Aloha Kākou (welcome everyone) and mahalo piha (thank you with deep gratitude) for joining the Planner Lettering group (I call the members of the group the Hand Lettering Hui). My name is Brittany Keakaokalani Peters (Kea for short) and I am a Native Hawaiian designer that has a passion for Hand Lettering and illustration. I am on a mission to cultivate a place where people can inspire and be inspired by everything from fauxligraphy to botanical illustrations, typography, brush lettering and even calligraphy. This group is sort of my starting point in creating that place.How does this group work?
I always like to start with the good stuff, so here's what goes on in the group:
Heres something we went over in one of our Thursday Tutorials - brush lettering for beginners. Everything from basic strokes to pen positioning! |
Sunday Funday
A new 10-Minute Quickie is released. To learn more about that, check out this post: What is a 10-minute quickie? or for some tips read our Tips and Tricks for 10-Minute QuickiesMotivation Monday
Tune in for a live session with me. Sometimes its a "plan with me" and sometimes I do a live 10-minute quickie. Either way, be ready to be motivated and inspired!Tip Tuesday
Recieve tips on how to better your lettering game (in the past, we've gone over how to brush letter, alignment, and even lighting)Wishlist Wednesday
Every Wednesday, post what you want to learn or things you'd like to see - pen position, favorite pens, how to flourish - Wednesdays are the day to ask and we do our best to provide.Tutorial Thursday
Pretty self-explanatory, but the tutorial will probably have something to do with lettering and your planner. We've done planner inserts, how to make a mood tracker - some fun stuff!Freebie Friday
By far, my favorite day of the week (not just because its Aloha Friday). Every Friday, we provide a freebie to help you better your lettering game. The cool part is, regardless if you catch our live video or not, you will be able to access any freebie in the files section for as long as you are a member of this group (unless I take it down to update it, of course... but then you'd just have an even better version of what was up there initially).Rules for the files section: no sharing outside of this group. Seriously, if you've got a friend that wants to learn more - just invite them to be a member. Also, if you're thinking about selling or distributing these elsewhere not pono. (Go ahead and click on that link to learn what pono is, cause selling and distributing someones hard work thats not your own is super hewa. Yup, just threw down two Hawaiian words at you cause English isn't enough to cover how not cool it is).
It's your last day to get a 10-minute quickie in before a new challenge theme is released on Sunday!Okay, so that's everything that you can expect to get from me:) Keep in mind that our group started on January 20th, so be patient as its still fairly new. Now that I've shared everything that I'm going to... share... I'd like to go over my expectations and my vision for this group.
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Heres one of the super fun Tip Tuesdays that we had. I went over some awesome pens and tools that I have at the ready to utilize within my planner. Be sure to check in to the files section where I have my most utilized tools list that I updated every so often. |
About our group
First and foremost, this is no ordinary group that you just joined. As a Native Hawaiian, it is important for me to imbue my culture in all I do. In Hawaiian culture (as is with many native cultures), family is the most important thing. This group is my Hand Lettering ʻohana - so really, I should say welcome to the family! In this hui (group), it is important for everyone to feel safe and free to share their ideas and creations. The one rule I have is to treat this place and the people in this place as you would your home and your family.What does this mean?
This means, we build each other up, not break each other down - there is no room here for negativity or drama. Should anyone start to "stir the pot" they will be removed from the group with no explanation. If you donʻt like or agree with this, feel free to leave the group as everyone that wants to be here and wants to learn and inspire - doesnʻt need any negativity.What can you do to cultivate this place?
As you are a member of the Hand Lettering Hui, you are now entrusted with cultivating this place. I know it's not something that you asked for when you signed up (lets face it, you just wanted to learn to letter), but just like how you don't ask to be a brother or sister, or even sometimes a mom or dad, its kind of what just happens in a family. Cultivate this place by participating. Yes, PARTICIPATING. I can't say it enough. It's so important for you to post pictures of things you do no matter how good or bad you may feel your work is. This is a place of sharing. And just like in a regular family, there is a give and a take. Don't just take the free information and horde the creations you make. Inspire others, and share your work - you never know how your work may positively impact someone on the other side of the screen.What about selling stuff and sharing my own groups?
Honestly, I don't really care if you share pictures of your hauls or try to start your own group. Keep in mind that this group is about hand lettering, illustration, and planners. I know that sometimes we have bad days and we all get close over time, or sometimes we're excited about starting something new or finding something new, but keep in mind about what this place is about: cultivating and inspiring. If I see any posts that are not within the realm of this group, we may have to part ways.Get to creating
Okay, so I think that's about it. I know it's not too fun to hear the bad stuff (especially when you're not one of those people), but I think its so important for us to go over expectations in the beginning so that we can all be held accountable (myself included).Remember to have fun and to be creative. Don't get down on others and even more so, yourself. Get involved and participate - don't be afraid to post and inspire others. Our group is filled with people that are in different parts of their lettering journey, so you truly never know when you'll be inspiring others.
For more inspiration, please visit my Instagram where I post final spreads of my Happy Planner, Bujo, and other fun stuff I letter on. Be sure to use #handletteringhui to be featured in my story and to inspire others outside of the realm of this group!
As always, until next time... A hui hou!
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